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Rig problems
Your rig could be offline due to many reasons:
First please check if your rigs are still mining in pool.
If yes then your rigs just have problem connecting with and they will appear as OFFLINE in dashboard.
Most common problems are:
1. Local internet or power problem - check if your rigs have power and internet connection
2. Rigs can crash/freeze and be unable to work, reboot rig to see if that helps
3. DNS problem - sometimes DNS you are using can cause problems like that.
First try to chang DNS in your router to most stable Cloudflare DNS servers: and
After that, please reboot your router and after that reboot also your rigs and see if that fixed your issue.
4. If rig is mining in pool and it is offline in simplemining then also usb drive can be corrupted or broken (try other osb drive)
5. If problem still persist then please check cloudflare anti DDoS service if they have curently any problems
If they have curently some problems then most common they will fix it within 2 hours.
6. If the problem is still there then you can check if you are not blocked by cloudflare due to suspicious activity from your (public IP) internet provider.
If nothing above helped, please contact our support at
Also it is good idea to plug in LCD monitor and reboot rig and see what is going on.The answer is NO you cannot mix them in ONE rig.
In one rig there needs to be either AMD only or Nvidia only.
AMD has different overclocking schema which is not compatible with NVIDIA.1) Make sure you are running the latest BIOS! (you can also try older ones if newest isn't working)
2) Set device to boot from USB/pendrive !
3) Disable Sound audio card !
4) Enable 4G encode !
5) Set PCIe support to Auto or GEN2 !
6) Enable onboard graphics to default (PEG -> IDG)
7) Set also: power ON on AC power lost, disable virtualisation
8) Plug your monitor into the ONBOARD graphics if you want to take a look on boot processTB250-BTC:
BIOS-Chipset-mining mode-Above 6x VGA
BIOS-Chipset-PCIO Config- PCI Express Config - GEN 2(or maybe Auto)
BIOS-Chipset-PCIO Config-HD Audio -disabled
BIOS-Chipset-System Agent configuration - Internal Graphic- IGFX
BIOS-Chipset-System Agent configuration - Primary Display - Onboard
BIOS-Chipset-System Agent configuration - VT-D - Enabled
BIOS-Chipset-System Agent configuration - Above 4G - Enabled
BIOS-Chipset-System Agent configuration - PEX 16_1 - Gen 2(or Auto)
BIOS-Boot-Boot option filter - Legacy only
BIOS-Boot-Option #1 - Your SSD legacy
BIOS-Security-Secure boot - disabledAsrock h110 pro BTC ( installing your GPUs, make sure you have filled all black PCI-E slots first, before plugging your risers into a white slot)
BIOS - Advanced - Chipset configuration - Primary Graphic Adapter - ONBOARD
BIOS - Advanced - Chipset configuration - Above 4gb - Enabled
BIOS - Advanced - Chipset configuration - Pci link speed - GEN 2(7 times)
BIOS - Advanced - Chipset configuration - Audio - Disabled
BIOS - Advanced - Chipset configuration - Onboard HDMI HD Audio - Disabled
BIOS - Advanced - Chipset configuration - Restore AC power loss - Power ONASRock H81 Pro BTC R2.0
BIOS - Advanced - Primary Graphics Adapter - Onboard
BIOS - Advanced - PCIE2 Link Speed - Auto/Gen2
BIOS - Advanced - Onboard HD Audio - Disabled
BIOS - Advanced - Onboard HDMI HD Audio - Disabled
BIOS - Advanced - Restore on AC/Power Loss - Power On
BIOS - Boot - CSM - CSM - Enabled
BIOS - Boot - CSM - Lauch PXE/Storage/Video - UEFI only
BIOS - Advanced - Super IO Configuration - Serial Port 1 - Disabled
BIOS - Advanced - Super IO Configuration - Serial Port 2 - Disabled
BIOS - Advanced - Super IO Configuration - Parallel Port - Disabled
BIOS - Advanced - ACPI Configuration - RTC Alarm Power On - By OSAsus B250 mining expert ( this motherboard is a leader by the number of reported issues. Keep that in mind )
Tool - EzFlash - Update bios online
BIOS - Fast boot - disabled
BIOS - Next boot after AC Power loss - Normal boot
BIOS - Secure boot - disabled(legacy)
Advanced - mining mode - Enabled
Advanced - Post slot detection time - 10 sec
Advanced - System agent Config - Primary Display - CPU
Advanced - System agent Config - DMI/OPI conf - GEN 2
Advanced - System agent Config - PEG port conf - GEN 2
Advanced - PCH Config - PCI express config - GEN 2
Advanced - Onboard devices config - HD Audio controller - Disabled
Advanced - APM config - Restore AC Power Loss - Power ONZ270-P: please plug in pendrive in USB 2.0 (if you have problems with your rig)
If you still have problem booting when pendrive is in blue USB 3.0, please try plugging it into black USB 2.0 also.
Also if you still have problem, try redownloading image and reflashing it again to USB (maybe it get corrupted while downloading).
If that will not help, try using other pendrive - sometimes pendrives just broke.Most common cases:
1. Too much overclocking or undervolting (or custom BIOS with bad settings)
Lower your overclocking a lot and check if it will help.
If you have custom bios then check if flashing original will fix the problem.
If you have powerstage level in overclock menu set to 6, try chaning it to 7.
2. Bad riser
Low quality risers are very common in causing many problems.
Change riser or use better ones and see if that will help.
Try checking one by one GPU to see if maybe only one is causing problems.
3. Too weak Power supply can cause that rig will reboot or shutdown.
Also too high temperature in room can cause that power supply will just shut off.
For example some Corsair Power supplies can shut down itself if temperature is bigger than 39°C.This error is very common and it can be related to
1. No gpu can be found by your system
To check how many cards your system found press CTRL-C while the error is being displayed and type:
lspci | grep VGA
If it only shows the integrated gpu from your cpu then your system can't find your mining GPU. Please check cables, riser, power etc.
2. Internet is very slow or does not work at all and the mining process cannot start.This message occurs mostly in nvidia GPUs when:
- you have entered too much overclock values. Try lower ones like core: 10 and mem: 10 for testing
- riser or risers are broken
- there is problem with Power supply that makes setup unstableIf some GPUs are missing in your rig then please check from most common:
- check all connections, riser to motherboard, power to riser, power to GPU, GPU in PCI-E riser slot
- riser can be broken, sometimes disconnecting, connecting helps. Replace riser if that wont help, you take other already working riser and place it with the non working slot/GPU
- if rig sees only 4 GPU and more of them never worked then it is missing motherboard BIOS "4G support" option
- GPU problem is very rare. It is very hard to break GPU so i would not count that.
If you stopped using the drive with simplemining and you have a problem restoring original partitions on that drive then this is fix for this problem.
To restore partitions on your drive and let windows see this drive you need to flash yet another small file into that drive.
Flash this file using Balena Etcher tool:
Please remember that this will ERASE all data from that drive.
First steps
Please check Download & Install Menu for more informations.
We do not advice to mess with SSH console unless You know what You are doing :)
- login: miner
- password: your@email
Common commands:
- start - restart mining process
- console - run screen with miner console (known as screen -x miner ), you can leave this by pressing CTRL+A and then letter D on your keyboard
- forcereboot - reboot rig without any checks/writes to disk
- info - system info
- Editing config.txt file on pendrive under Windows or Mac
- Running command on rig using SSH/Shellinabox
/root/utils/ - Using standard linux commands in SSH/Shellinabox
/usr/local/bin/rw /mnt/user
sudo nano /mnt/user/config.txt
Edit your email and then save file by pressing CTRL+X , confirm Y and ENTER
Then enter reboot command to apply changes.
- Editing config.txt file on pendrive under Windows or Mac
SMOS supports up to 13 cards without for one motherboard
Any more cards can cause some problems but please test it yourself as it can be specific to some motherboards or gpus
For example in Nvidia rigs you can use more GPUs but you will not be able to overclock 14,15,16.... GPUs.Please read about miner options in the specific miner developer thread.
Also you can check our default examples, but be sure to enter your pool and your wallet addresses.
We do not advice what pool should user use as we do not want to take responsibility for pools or miner programs as we did not created those.We constantly auto updating every single rig with things like scripts, miners and other things that need to make your rig compatible with newest Dahsboard.
You can see what we are chaning in changelog menu.
Kernel and drivers are not updated automatically so you need to reflash the usb for those to be updated. You can hover mouse over rig name in your rig list and see the kernel you are using.
If you want to update drivers/kernel you can do that by using Actions Menu -> Advanced Command -> reflashYes, you can reflash your current rig from HiveOS or EthOS or other linux distribution.
Please search for thread how to flash smos into drive and there will be few ways to do that.
Fastest way of solving your problems is by going to our realtime chat:
Agents there can help you with some basic problems.
If your problem is still unsolved after asking there, please write email to our support at:
You can set them to different values using a comma between each value without space:
Core 100,90,90,90,100,100
Memory 1000,1100,1000,800,900,900
Power 80,100,80,100,80,100- One funny part to remember. If you had in windows Nvidia GPU memory OC +600MHz then you need to put +1200MHz here in SimpleMining (Linux).
Example OC Settings for Nvidia:Card
Hash / Sols
GTX P106/1060
290-300 Sol/s
GTX 1070
420-440 Sol/s
GTX 1080TI
700-730 Sol/s
GTX 1080TI
650-660 Sol/s
GTX 1080TI
Equihash (4 Sol/W)
600-620 Sol/s
GTX P106/1060
23-24 MH/s
GTX 1070
30-31 MH/s
GTX 1080TI
34-35 MH/s
GTX P106/1060
710-740 kH/s
GTX P070
900-1000 kH/s
GTX 1080TI
1.3-1.4 Mh/s
GTX P106/1060
24-25 MH/s
GTX 1070
34-37 MH/s
GTX 1080TI
57-63 MH/s
Core Undervolting
Hash / Sols
RX 470
RX 580
If you have rigs named Mistic1 and Mistic2, and you enter in your config 0xDFRESG.$rigName into the config field, then it will be replaced with 0xDFRESG.Mistic1 and 0xDFRESG.Mistic2 respectively.
This is helpfull to see in pool each rig as separate worker and look at stats.Both public and private ip address of your rigs can be checked in RigList.
Just hover mouse on your rig name and you will see those informations.You can prepare Your own miner package that has linux binary and use in SimpleMining.
All You need is make ZIP archive with some compatibility rules and upload on any website with access from Internet.
To use custom miner just go into tab Group Config in the Dashboard, create new group, select miner named "CUSTOM" from the list and follow the instruction included there.In rig OC settings or Group OC settings just enable "Advanced settings" and then just type this and save:
or if first is causing gpu crash then try this one:
OhGodAnETHlargementPill --revA 0,1,2,3,4,5
Please remember also to lower memory OC as high OC and this tool will cause unstability.To BIOS mod your GPU, you have to:
- Save the original BIOS somewhere in the rig's filesystem.
- Get this rom file from the rig to your Windows PC.
- Open this rom file in the BIOS editing tool. Make changes. Send the modified rom file back to rig
- Reflash the GPU.
1. Saving the original BIOS.
Remote access is possible if you're in the same network with your rig (means, you have to be connected to the same router). Open your SMOS dashboard, open the rig's detailed view, and pause mininig by clicki "PAUSE" button. Then in the "More" menu, select the "Shelliabox" option. It will open a remote access terminal and automatically log you in.
Optionally, you can just connect a keyboard and monitor to your rig and type the commands there. Or use ssh if you're familiar with it.
ssh username: miner
password: your emailAfter getting the access, we have to stop the mining process and SMOS watchdog. Enter this command:
sudo service cron stop
This command will list all available GPUs.
For Polaris (RX470, 480, 570, 580, etc):
sudo /root/utils/atiflash -i
For Navi (RX5700, 5700XT, etc, but don't use it with RX5600!):
sudo /root/utils/amdvbflash -i
Let's save the first card's BIOS and name it "rx580-0-original.rom"
One of the SMOS directories is accessible in Windows and Mac, so we can use it to store the original from file. By default this directory is read-only, but we can change it:
/usr/local/bin/rw /mnt/user
and then:
sudo /root/utils/atiflash -s 0 /mnt/user/rx580-0-original.rom
sudo /root/utils/amdvbflash -s 0 /mnt/user/rx5700XT-0-original.rom
where "-s" is the number of the card, followed by a file name and where to save it. There is an Atiflash Tool guide.
2. Getting the rom file.
Now you can just unplug your USB stick from your rig, plug it into your Windows PC and the original file should be there, right alongside the config file where you've configured your email address. (just keep in mind there is not much free space in this folder).
Optionally, you can use Filezilla or WinSCP.
3. Modding the actual BIOS takes literally just one click. Save your changes, save the modified rom file as "rx580-0-edited.rom" and put it back to the USB stick.
Here is the Polaris BIOS Editor guide and Red BIOS Editor guide
4. Reflashing the GPU. Make sure you have watchdog and miner both stopped again, then run this:
sudo /root/utils/atiflash -p 0 /mnt/user/rx580-0-edited.rom
sudo /root/utils/amdvbflash -p 0 /mnt/user/rx5700XT-0-edited.rom
Then you can reboot your rig or reflash another card.
1. On a Windows machine, go to WinSCP official website, download and install the app.
2. After running it, the WinSCP Login window will show up.
Set "File protocol" to SFTP
"Host name" to your rig's Private IP (you can find it in the rig's detailed view).
"Port Number" to 22
"User name" to "miner"
"Password" to your email.You can save this for future use and press "Login".
3. The first time you connect it's going to ask you whether or not you want to trust this host. Go ahead and press yes.
4. A new window will show up. On the left side - your Win PC filesystem. On the right side - your rig's filesystem. You can move files from left to right side and that's how you move stuff to and from your rig.
If you no longer use drive for simplemining and you have problem restoring drive original size/partition then we have easy fix.
Please download this image which will reset/erase partitions on your drive:
Then just flash this tiny file to your drive using Balena etcher too:
After that operation, windows should ask you to format drive and full size will be restored.
We are supporting only WiFi cards that are suported by kernel by default:
Tested WiFi cards that works:
- USB Tenda U6
- PCI-Express TP-LINK TL-WN781ND Rev3.0
- PCI-Express Tenda W322E
Tested WiFi cards that do not work: - USB TP-LINK Archer T2UH AC600
- USB TP-LINK Archer T2U Nano
- USB TP-LINK Archer T4U
Those cheap chineese watchdogs are causing more problems than without them.
They are so bad that they cannot turn on rig. The electronics on thise watchdogs is very bad.
We do not advice to use them. Please keep that in mind.
Only USB watchdog v3.2 with black board and v5.0 with red board are supported.
These watchdogs are automatically discovered by SimpleMining rig and no options are required. Just plug watchdog into USB port and connect wire cables to RESET and POWER pins on motherboard.
In rig setting you need to open SimpleRigResetter settings and turn ON without filling other fields. This will enable watchdog.
Watchdog will be activated during rig boot or during miner start/reload from dashboard. Watchdog is running with default timeout value, that will reboot rig after 120 seconds of system not responding.Example watchdog:
The USB Beacon Key is the fastest method for identifying rigs on large farms. Here's how to set it up:
- Download the SM-Beacon-v2.0.img.xz image (0.5 MB) and flash it to any size USB drive.
- After flashing, you will see a partition labeled SMOS_BEACON with the only file located there - the config file named beacon.txt.
- Edit the beacon.txt file and input your unique name (e.g., John).
- Save the file and safely eject the USB drive from your computer.
- Insert the USB drive into the rig you want to identify.
- To search for the rig in the Rig List, enter "BEACON=YourName" in the search field, replacing "YourName" with the name you input in the beacon.txt file (e.g., BEACON=John).
- Optionally, you can include additional search keywords for faster search, such as "sectorA" or "sectionCold".
Example searches:
- "beacon:John" will display only the rig (or rigs) with the name "John" in the beacon.txt file.
- "sectorA beacon:John" will display rigs from sectorA and the rig with the USB Beacon Key and the name "John".
Beacon 2.0 now supports a pre-configuration file for activating new rigs:
- Put your email address in the config.txt file on the Beacon drive.
- Insert the USB drive into the rig during startup.
- The rig will automatically retrieve the email address from the drive if not already set on the master drive config partition.
Note: Only the email address is read from the config.txt file on the Beacon drive. No other options, such as WiFi settings, will be read from this file.
Octominer watchdog:
Octominer watchdog requires only "SRR Agent Enabled" switch set to "ON" in rig details. SRR parameters (serial, extension board) are not required if you dont have optional SRR hardware. Just enable SRR functionality.
Octominer watchdog is running with default timeout value, that will reboot rig after 120 seconds of system not responding.Octominer case fanspeed:
Setting Octominer fans speed is provided by "Advanced tools" in rig's overclocking settings. Switch "Advanced tools" to ON and add in below field line with this one example:
example: octominer-case-fan=60
Acceptable values 0..100 (percent). Default value is 60 if bad value given or not user defined.Minerdude watchdog:
Minerdude watchdog requires only "SRR Agent Enabled" switch set to "ON" in rig details. SRR parameters (serial, extension board) are not required if you dont have optional SRR hardware. Just enable SRR functionality.
Minerdude watchdog is running with default timeout value, that will reboot rig after 120 seconds of system not responding.Minerdude case fanspeed:
Setting Minerdude fans speed is provided by "Advanced tools" in rig's overclocking settings. Switch "Advanced tools" to ON and add in below field line with this one example:
example: octominer-case-fan=60
Acceptable values 0..100 (percent). Default value is 60 if bad value given or not user defined.Use our newest beta SimpleMining OS SM-i043-5.10.96-2-a21.40.2-r5.13.14-f21.40.2-n510.47.03 (available in download section or via Commands Reflash.
This image supports also all other GPUs and can work with mix of few models in one rig.
Remember that mixing AMD+NV GPUs in same rig is not supported by SimpleMining.Select TeamRedMiner miner program with newest version and make option "Run as root" enabled.
Use below OC example values:
Core/Memory/Core Undervol: 1600 / 900 / 1000
Some GPUs can work even a bit faster with OC values: 1700 / 1000 / 950Use also OC Advanced Tools:
for Hynix video memory:
amdmemorytweak --i X --ref 7500 --rtp 6 --rrds 3 --faw 12 --ras 19 --rc 30 --rcdrd 11 --rp 11for Samsung video memory:
amdmemorytweak --i X --ref 7500 --faw 15 --rcdrd 13 -rp 13 --rrds 3 --rc 38 --ras 25Where "X" is GPU number or list comma separated.
GPU cards for amdmemorytweak tool are numberd starting from 0.
You may ommit --i parameter if there are only R VII cards in this rig - every one will be affected by this tool.Make sure you have good GPU cooling. Insufficient cooling may not allow you to achieve full hashrate potential because of high memory temperature.
Current price for using ?
The current price for using our service is (0.0027$ per hour per each rig) - that is 2$ per month per every rig that is online.
You can deposit any amount you want, but be sure that your balance will be always positive.
Here is how exactly works our service fee formula:
One month has 720 hours. Every hour we are taking small part that is 2$*1/720 = 0.0027$ from your balance.
We are charging only for rigs that were online in last hour.
So if you will plug new motherboard and then sell it, you will not be charged upfront for whole month but only for 1 day.
How to deposit ?
Go to menu "Deposit Fee", choose crypto currency you want to deposit by clicking on button "Deposit via..."
System will generate deposit address assigned to your account.
Transfer any amount you want to this address and then just wait about 2 hours.
Once transfer will be confirmed by blockchain network, deposit will be added automatically to your account.
Remember to keep your balance always positive.
If the transfer will not be added to your account, please verify if you see it in blockchain explorer.
If you will still have problem, please contact our support.What will happen when you will have negative balance on your account ?
If you will not pay service fee on your current account and you will use rig with other email account then those rigs will be banned permanently in
In some cases rigs can be stopped if balance is not paid for longer time.If you deposited too much by mistake do not worry we can make refund.
Please send us a email to:
The fee for refunding is: 0,5% + 2 x transaction fee of coin you deposited + 0-50$ handling fee depending on case.
If you will report refund/recovery request after 24 hours from making deposit - other fees might be added.
Mistakes like ETH sent to ETC address, ETC sent to ETH address or Binance token sent to ETH deposit address or token sent to ETH address might cost extra 50$ that our payment gateway charges.
Please send email to and include following things:
- you need to write from the same email address as your account
- how much you would like get back or how much you want to leave on your account
- your LTC wallet address where we should send refundSimpleMining does NOT pay anyone.
It's an Operating System that you can use on your rig for monitoring and configuration.
You need to choose what miner program would you like to use and on which pool you would like to mine.
If you want to transfer something from your account to the other one please write email to with those details:
- be sure you are writing from the same email address from which we need to take cash
- tell us to which email you want to transfer SimplePoints (SP) and how muchYes, we are fully legal EU VAT registered company in Poland and we are paying taxes for every deposit.
As 99.99% users would like to be anonymous, we do not ask for personal informations
But if you want commercial EU VAT invoice for your deposits, please write email to within 1 day after making deposit.
Please include all informations about your company including EU VAT or if you are from our of Europe, your tax id number.
Please note that we can give invoice for payments done only for current month.
After closing month we cannnot issue individual invoice as we issuing batch universal tax invoice.
Our company is: Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.
Zastawna 34
83-000 Pruszcz Gdański
EU VAT: PL6040221578
REGON: 387827389 (Poland specific ID)
KRS: 0000876797 (Poland specific ID)
Live Support on our Discord channel
Best method to contact our live support in case of any problem.
Check our channelSupport via e-mail
admin@simplemining.netStart mining with
Create account, download and install OS to flash-drive and start managing Your farm the easy way!